Personal Finance Tips to Help You Stretch EVERY Dollar

LeanMoola - Personal Finance Tips

 LeanMoola is a personal finance blog & community dedicated to providing the best tips and resources to help you make more money, invest more money, and save more money.

Personal finance affects all of us, whether you’re just entering college or supporting a family with kids, knowing how to manage your money could mean the difference between living paycheck to paycheck, or on the path to building financial wealth.

Our mission is to provide practical tips and resources for the working class, the average person trying to stretch every hard earned dollar in order to reach financial wealth for their loved ones.


Topics Covered

Most of the articles published on this platform will fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Making more money
  • Saving more money
  • Investing more money

We don’t focus on budgeting!

Budgeting is an important aspect of personal finance, but unlike other personal finance blogs, we believe that pinching pennies is not how you build wealth.

In order to build wealth, you have to make more money so you have more available to save (build an emergency fund) and to invest (grow your money).

Every article written on this platform is based on the author’s personal experiences, financial struggles and how they were over came. 


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The information found in this blog ( is provided and intended for informational and entertainment purposes ONLY and does not constitute financial, legal, or other advice of any kind.

The information contained on this site is aimed at a general audience and does not attempt to offer specific advice to your specific circumstances. If you are looking for professional advice, you should consult with an independent financial adviser.

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